
Course Information

Natural Horsemanship Methods (ARSC 365)

Term: 2018-2019 Summer


Joseph Reum
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Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu, 9:00 AM - 4:50 PM (6/3/2019 - 6/14/2019) Location: NTMC AR 42


Students will learn to develop respect, confidence, and connection with their horse that will be tested by work at liberty (without a lead line and halter). Student will develop more feel, better timing, and more harmony with the horse. The student will learn about impulsion and how to use reins less and the seat more while in the saddle. In addition to mastery of the theory of natural horsemanship, students must also demonstrate their competency and mastery of covered techniques by their correct application of skills sets with their horse, both on the ground and under saddle. Pre-Req: ARSC 164 & ARSC 361